Yoga Offerings

Mondays at Mindful - Trauma Informed Yoga

In this ''slow flow'' trauma informed, vinyasa-style class, students are guided gently through a series of yoga postures. The primary emphasis of this class is linking breath to movement as a means of feeling a greater sense of physical embodiment and presence. As with all our practices, the emphasis here is on connecting to your body. Move as much or as little as you'd like!

Katie Bloomfield, yoga teacher and therapist at Mindful Nashville, will be offering Slow Flow the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays of each month, and Marysa LaRowe from Listening First Yoga will be offering Slow Flow the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 6-7pm at Mindful Nashville Germantown (100 Taylor Street, Nashville) as part of their Mondays at Mindful series. 

You can sign up for a single class or multiple classes!

Community Pricing: Community: $15 Sustaining: $20 Supporting: $25 

*If you are able to pay sustaining or supporting, please select at check out.

Gentle Power Yoga 4-Week Group

Join Mary Beth (@yogawithmarybeth) and Listening First Yoga for a 4-week series of Gentle Power! In this group, we’ll explore shapes that can build strength and stability while honoring your body and practicing choice. Our trauma-informed instruction offers many variations and choices throughout class, so you can find the shapes that empower you. This class uses more props and less getting up and down from the floor than a typical power yoga class. Accessible breathwork, rest, and optional sharing time included.

This group will meet on Sundays, June 9-30 from 12-1pm at Mindful Nashville Germantown! (@mindful_nashville). A one-time free consultation is required for new clients. Community Pricing for this group is $72-$112 for four weeks.

To Register: Learn more and sign up at!

LGBTQ+ Pride Yoga

LGBTQ+ Pride Yoga

This LGBTQ+ community class with an emphasis on choice and personal autonomy will be led in a safe, affirming environment by a trauma-informed therapist and yoga teacher. Many options will be offered, with opportunities for more accessible or more challenging postures. Reflection and mindfulness practices will be included at the beginning and end of each class. .

Upcoming classes:
None currently scheduled. Please contact us to get informed as we schedule future Pride yoga classes!

Investment: Individual class: $25

RSVP: Rebecca Lesesne, LCSW, CYT-200 (she/her/hers)